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Uganda Association of Prosecutors' Executive Pay Courtesy Call On DCJ

A delegation from the Uganda Association of Prosecutors led by their President, Ms Immaculate Angutoko, on July 25, 2023 paid a courtesy call on the Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Richard Buteera, at his chambers at the Court of Appeal.

The other members in attendance being the Association’s Vice President, Mr Tuhairwe Julius; Mr Kukundakwe Arthurton, Mr Khaukha James, Mr. Aduti Timothy, Ms. Ann Kabajungu, and Mr. Wasswa Adam.

Ms Angutoko thanked the DCJ for hosting the members. She informed him that they are developing a constitution to foster the professionalism of prosecutors and also also rebrand the Association.

She commended the Judiciary for playing a significant role in ensuring that there are more prosecutors hired and expressed gratitude to the judges for issuing decisions on time.

Members stressed the importance of paying prosecutors fairly and the need to recruit more prosecutors to match the increased number of judicial officers.

The Deputy Chief Justice urged members to join the International Association of Prosecutors, saying this would help them advance professionally, give them confidence, and also provide guidance in drafting the Constitution of the Association.

He urged the members to always plan and work with judicial officers as they wait for the hiring of additional prosecutors.

Hon. Justice Buteera noted that the number of prosecutors would continue to rise and said that if the Judiciary grew, so would other institutions it collaborates with because it cannot function independently. 

He went on to say that for prosecutors to perform their duties effectively, they also need to be paid well and receive proper training.

The Uganda Association of Prosecutors is committed to setting and raising standards of professional conduct and ethics for prosecutors. It is made up of prosecutors from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Office of the Inspector General of Government. It also collaborates closely with counterparts in the Uganda Revenue Authority, Kampala Capital City Authority, and other agencies.

Posted 25th, July 2023
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